Community Event Host Toolkit

Helpful Tools for Planning an Impactful Community Event!

Early Intervention (EI) in Illinois is currently in crisis, with thousands of families on waiting lists, unable to access the critical therapy services that they are legally entitled to receive. Hundreds more are waiting each month to complete the intake/evaluation process and receive a service plan.

One of the key opportunities for YOU to address this crisis is by hosting a local rally in your community. Events like these are important tools for community education, building momentum for change and demonstrating broad support for an issue! By elevating the stories of EI providers and families, early childhood providers, health providers and others concerned about these infants and toddlers and their families across the state, we can make sure that policy makers in your area and in our state government  become more aware of the critical importance of this program, the impact timely access to these services has on our youngest children and their families and why we need great investment in EI.

In this toolkit, you’ll find what you need to plan an amazing event in your community that highlights the impact of EI services and what our state leaders must do to address the ongoing crisis. Your event can be as big or small as you’d like – it can be a small gathering in a local coffee shop or a large outdoor rally. Any event that brings together folks in your community to talk about EI and how we can address the current crisis is a success. Our babies can’t wait!

Table of Contents

Crafting Your Event

  • Location
  • Run of Show & Speakers
  • Inviting Local Reporters
  • Photography
  • Talking Points

Promoting Your Event

  • Flyer
  • Social Media
  • Email Invitation

After Your Event

Media Outreach 101

  • Sharing Photos with Local Media
  • Sending a Pitch
  • Following Up After Your Pitch
  • Template Media Pitch
  • Media Advisory

Crafting Your Event


  • This event can be hosted anywhere that works for you! Gatherings may be held in a coffee shop, library meeting room, participating organization/early childhood center or other community space. When selecting a location, try to think about how attendees will get there—is it close to transit lines? Is there available parking? How many people can you fit? Sharing details like parking options, door code information, etc. in advance with attendees will ensure they’re able to get to where they need to be.

Run of Show & Balancing Speakers

  • The size of your event will help determine the flow. A smaller event may naturally become more of a conversation, while a large event will need to stick more closely to a schedule. Regardless of your event size, begin with a welcome and thank you to everyone present for joining! Emphasize that the day’s discussion is just one step towards making sure that Illinois can better meet the needs of EI families & providers. Participants may share emotional experiences and struggles with accessing Early Intervention. It’s important to be open and receptive during these moments.

Sample Run of Show

  • We encourage you to invite at least one caregiver who has been impacted by EI and an EI provider to share their stories. You can also reach out to local legislators, medical providers, and early care and education leaders to invite them to speak about the benefits of EI. Aim for a panel of diverse speakers that authentically reflects your community.
    • 9-10 a.m. | Set Up
    • 10-10:10 a.m. | Welcome & Context Setting (Why we are here)
    • 10:10-10:20 a.m. | Stories from EI Families & Providers
    • 10:20-10:30 a.m. | Closing, What's Next & Upcoming Advocacy Opportunities
    • 10:30-11:00 a.m. | Questions from Media & Attendees

Invite Local Reporter(s)

  • Pitching your event to local journalists is as easy as sending an email! Take a look at your community's local newspapers or news websites to see if any journalists are covering education or other relevant issues. Their email will most likely be linked on the publication's website, and journalists are always happy to hear pitches from the community.
  • When sending an initial email to a journalist, be sure to include who you are, how you found them, and why you think they’d be interested in covering your rally. Don’t forget to include logistical info like the rally’s time, date and location, and offer to answer any follow-up questions they might have!
  • We're here to help! See below for sample pitch language, and if you need more support identifying local media contacts, please reach out to


  • It is important to capture video and photography of your event! These photos and video clips are great to share on social media after the event, as well as with any journalists who attend. Designate someone on your team to take photos and video throughout the event and let attendees know where they can share any photos they take. Feel free to utilize this Google Drive link to organize your photos & share them with us!
  • It's important to note that if you're taking photos, you'll need to have a media release, i.e. permission for images to be used by Raising Illinois and shared with media. If you need assistance drafting a media release, please contact Jesse Rojo at

Talking Points

  • Coming soon!

Promoting Your Event


  • We developed templates on Canva and Google Slides you can use as a base to customize for your event. Canva is free to use, although some features are restricted to premium users only. If there’s another design software you prefer, feel free to use whatever you’re most comfortable with!You’ll want to be sure that your flyer has all of the information someone would need to join you, so don’t forget to include the date, time, location,  any registration information necessary and shout out any event partners! You should also include a contact email for anyone who has questions about the event.

Social Media

  • Don't forget about social media! Linked here are graphics sized for Instagram, Facebook and Twitter/X for sharing across your social channels. If there are active Facebook parenting groups in your community, posting in the group is a great way to share your event with a wide audience! Don't forget to tag @RaisingIllinois and use the hashtags #babiescantwait and #WeNeedEI in your posts!
  • Here's some sample language to get you started:
      • Early Intervention in IL is in crisis! There are 1,000s of infants and toddlers waiting to receive the crucial services to which they're legally entitled. Join us in [LOCATION] for a rally for EI on [DATE & TIME] #babiescantwait! #weneedEI
      • Here in [YOUR COMMUNITY] we want every baby to have all of the supportive services they need to thrive. That's why on [DATE] we're hosting a rally for Early Intervention at [LOCATION]. Together, we can come together for our babies! #babiescantwait #weneedE
      • Join us at [LOCATION] on [DATE] for an event that will feature EI families & providers sharing their stories and emphasizing the need for greater EI funding in the FY26 Illinois state budget. More info: [LINK]
      • Babies Can’t Wait: We Need Early Intervention! All across the state, communities will be coming together to discuss Early Intervention and build support for increased EI funding in the Illinois FY26 state budget. Join us at [LOCATION] on [DATE] for an event that will feature EI families & providers sharing their stories. More info: [LINK]

Email Invitation

  • Feel free to customize this language as you need!
    • Raising Illinois, powered by Start Early, is a collective effort of more than 100 diverse organizations across the state to close the opportunity gap for our earliest learners. Raising Illinois is dedicated to ensuring that families can access high-quality health care, engage in quality learning experiences and establish economic security through addressing the root causes of disparities in our communities.Currently, Illinois’ Early Intervention (EI) program is in crisis. Thousands of families are still waiting for EI services they are legally entitled to receive. These services provide critical therapies and supports for infants and toddlers with or at risk for developmental delays and disabilities and their families.  They are proven to mitigate delays and support better health, development and educational outcomes. The service delays families are currently experiencing are tied directly to the program’s ongoing workforce crisis; EI providers continue to leave the program due to low wages, lack of benefits and other challenges.[YOUR COMMUNITY] is partnering with Raising Illinois to host a rally on [DATE &TIME] at [LOCATION]. We invite you to join us to hear from speakers like [SPEAKER NAMES] who will be sharing their Early Intervention stories. This event is an opportunity to help legislators understand the urgent need for increased EI funding in the Illinois state FY26 budget. Join us to hear from families and providers about the benefits of EI and learn what Illinoisans like you can do to ensure that our youngest children have access to the services they need and are legally entitled to. Please find the details below:

      DATE: [Date]

      TIME: [Time]


      We hope to see you there!



After Your Event

  • We’d love to hear how your event went! Please upload photos to Google Drive and a brief recap to and don’t forget to post on your social channels as well! If any legislators or local government officials attend, let us know! We can assist with crafting thank yous to their offices. Encourage participants to also share out one thing they learned, or a key takeaway from the event on social with the hashtag #babiescantwait #weneedEI and tagging @RaisingIllinois.
  • Follow up with journalists. Even if they weren’t able to attend, sending a nice message following up with how many attendees you had, and any event highlights is a nice way to stay in touch and build relationships for future coverage .
  • Direct attendees to the Raising Illinois Get Involved page so they can stay up-to-date on the latest happenings in our coalition/
  • Remind attendees to take action steps like signing the petition, and staying tuned for the Quorum Action we’ll be sharing this winter.

We know that advocacy is a long game! Raising Illinois is committed to seeing increased funding for EI, and we will be continuing our advocacy until EI in our state is no longer in crisis. Stay tuned for more ways you can collaborate with us to ensure that our youngest learners have what they need to thrive!


Media Outreach 101

Tips for Sharing Photos & Captions with Local Media

  • Select the Right Photos: Choose images that truly capture your rally’s essence—look for dynamic action shots and candid moments that tell a story.
  • Craft Compelling Captions: Each photo should have a brief caption providing context. Include who is in the photo, what’s happening, and key details like the event name, date, and location.
  • Organize Your Submission: Compile your photos and captions in an easily accessible format, such as a PDF or a shared drive link, to facilitate downloads for journalists.
  • Compose Your Email: Write a concise email to local media outlets. In your message, include:
    • A brief introduction about the event.
    • Highlights and key takeaways.
    • A note indicating you’re sharing photos and captions for their consideration.
  • Follow Up: If you don’t receive a response within a week, send a friendly follow-up email to check if they received your submission and if they require any additional information.

Tips for Sending a Pitch

  • Tailor Your Message: Personalize your pitch for each media outlet. Mention why your story is relevant to their audience and any previous coverage they’ve done on similar topics.
  • Be Clear and Concise: Keep your pitch brief—ideally one paragraph that summarizes the event and its significance. Include key details like dates, locations, and contact information.
  • Include Supporting Materials: Attach press kits or links to your website where journalists can find more information, images, and relevant data.
  • Highlight Timeliness: If your event ties into current trends or news, make sure to mention this in your pitch.

Following Up After Your Pitch

  • Wait a Few Days: Give the media some time to review your pitch, usually around 2 business days.
  • Send a Friendly Reminder: If you haven’t received a response, send a brief follow-up email reiterating your interest in having your story covered. Ask if they need any more information.
  • Be Persistent, but Respectful: If they decline or don’t respond after a couple of follow-ups, respect their decision and consider it an opportunity to improve your future pitches.

In addition to local outreach, we will prepare and distribute a statewide news release that showcases the total number of events across the state. This release will:

  1. Highlight the impact and reach of our initiative.
  2. Include compelling statistics and quotes from key stakeholders.
  3. Encourage community participation and engagement.

We will send this release to state-level media contacts, ensuring it emphasizes local stories that resonate with broader audiences.

Template Media Pitch

  • Subject: Join Us for a Rally to Save Early Intervention in Illinois
    • Hope all is well. I wanted to reach out and invite you to [LOCATION] on [DATE] for a community rally on the importance of Early Intervention and the need for increasing funding in the FY26 state budget.Raising Illinois, powered by Start Early, is a collective effort of more than 100 diverse organizations across the state to close the opportunity gap for our earliest learners. Raising Illinois is dedicated to ensuring that families can access high-quality health care, engage in quality learning experiences and establish economic security through addressing the root causes of disparities in our communities.

      Illinois' Early Intervention (EI) program provides critical services to children under age 3 who have or are at risk for significant developmental delays and disabilities. Thousands of families are still waiting for the EI services to which they are legally entitled. These service delays are tied directly to the program’s ongoing workforce crisis; EI providers continue to leave the program due to low wages, lack of insurance and other challenges.

      Join us to learn more about why increased Early Intervention funding is urgently needed, hear from families and providers, and learn what Illinoisans can do to ensure that our youngest learners have access to the services they need and are legally entitled to.

      If you are interested in attending the event or talking to any of the families or speakers, please let me know and I can help provide any additional information. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!


      [YOUR NAME]

Media Advisory

Check out this template media advisory to send out to local media as an invite. Please insert information specific to your event.

This advisory can be sent to local news desks and specific reporters for more widespread invites!

dad and happy baby 1600x1600

Stay in Touch!

We're excited to hear how your event goes! Don't forget to reach out to us at if you have any questions not answered above!

Are you ready? Learn how you can get involved.