Meet Marianne Pokorny
Director of Civic Engagement, YWCA Metropolitan Chicago

Marianne has always been a strong advocate for infants and toddlers. Prior to 1986, when Congress established the early intervention system, Marianne had begun her career advocating for children birth-to-age 3 experiencing developmental delays. She was instrumental in receiving funding for one of the first birth-to-age 3 classroom in Illinois.
Marianne has long recognized that a child’s early experiences during the prenatal period and first three years of life shape brain development, which led her to dedicate over 10 years running home visiting programs.
Currently, as director of civic engagement at YWCA Metropolitan Chicago, she oversees the Child Care Resource and Referral early childhood community systems work. Marianne participates on several early childhood collaborations, supports the recruitment and retention of child care educators and oversees the growth and implementation of the YWCA’s children’s mental health initiative. Marianne’s comprehensive and cross system alignment of work is a clear example of how the objectives of Raising Illinois are so important for Illinois’ families.