Child Care: Correcting Perception by Acknowledging Impact
Check out a recording and supporting resources from our virtual gathering in September 2022.
During this recorded event you will:
- Learn about the Infant & Toddler Child Care Roadmap project & its connection to the PN3 Policy Agenda
- Explore the power of quality child care & the importance of the child care workforce
- Hear from child care providers about one solution they recommend for increasing supply of providers in the state
- Hear from parents, advocates and business leaders about their experiences accessing child care
- Learn about Raising Illinois' Community Conversations Toolkit, which can help you engage with members of your community through the child care discussion

Community Conversation Toolkit
Resources created for your community to come together and discuss solutions to challenges families with infants and toddlers are facing today.
Raising Illinois invites you to bring together diverse individuals within your community, dive into the Infant & Toddler Child Care Roadmap's recommendations and discuss steps that can and should be taken to strengthen care for your community's infants and toddlers and those who care for them.
Community Conversations can take many shapes and forms depending on who you invite and the size of your community. It is the conversation that is critical – not the format, size or location. To help get your planning started, Raising Illinois has created a handful of helpful resources.
Infant & Toddler Child Care Roadmap
An outline of recommendations for meeting the demand of child care in Illinois.
As a part of our policy agenda, Raising Illinois proposed the creation of a roadmap to meet the demand for high-quality child care in Illinois. The Infant & Toddler Child Care Roadmap, led by Start Early, explores various ways Illinois can better meet the needs of families with infants and toddlers through the lens of the state’s child care community.