Get Involved
Raising Illinois is a diverse group of advocates, family- and center-based care and learning professionals, health care providers, parents and family members, government officials, legislators and other community members who are eager to close the opportunity gap for our earliest learners. Learn more about what it means to be a member.
Sign up to receive the latest news on our progress, updates on Illinois' infants and toddlers & opportunities to take action alongside us.
Take Action
Become a member of the Raising Illinois coalition today.
By joining Raising Illinois, you will engage with advocates and professionals committed to investing in the development of young children and their families throughout the state. There are multiple levels of engagement available to you - see below.
Advocate: Any individual, organization and/or business that would like to be informed about and support the work of the coalition. Advocates are encouraged, but not expected, to participate in & uplift the work of the coalition.
- Receive Raising Illinois emails, event invitations and our newsletter
- Periodically visit the Action Center to see what you can do on behalf of our state's infants & toddlers
Champion: Any individual, organization and/or business that can help advance our work through communications channels and among personal and professional networks.
- Receive Raising Illinois emails, event invitations and our newsletter
- Regularly visit the Action Center to participate in and amplify advocacy efforts
- Support storytelling and story collection efforts
- Share communications resources, such as social media posts, emails and newsletters, with your network(s)
- If committing as a Champion supporter on behalf of an organization or business, we also ask you to encourage colleagues to share communications and contribute to storytelling and advocacy efforts.
Contributor: Any individual, organization and/or business that can help advance our work through collaboration and direct input on the implementation of policy objectives and action steps.
- Participate in at least one policy work group* or committee that is of particular interest or expertise to you and/or your organization; attend monthly work group meetings (estimated at 1 hour/month)**
- Engage with other contributing members via our internal communications platform by participating in events, sharing relevant news, field updates, items for the Action Center etc.
- Text listing of individual or organization name on the Raising Illinois website
- Addition benefits from the Champion level (see above)
* All policy work groups are managed by a lead facilitating organization, which is responsible for guiding the group and driving its work forward through collaboration and engagement.
** At this time, there is not a standing Strong State & Community Structures policy work group.

Share Your Story
We would love to hear from you.
Do you have a story you want to share with us about your experience as a new parent or caregiver? Or, how you are advocating for Illinois’ youngest learners?
Check Out Raising Illinois' Social Toolkit for Impact
Let your networks know about the work happening in Illinois on behalf of infants, toddlers and families. In our Social Toolkit for Impact, you can find talking points, data points, social copy and graphics, website language and an email template to help spread the word about Raising Illinois.