December 18, 2024
Babies Can’t Wait: We Need EI Campaign Update
Updates from the first phase of our campaign for increased EI funding in the Illinois state budget
Raising Illinois Champions & Contributors know that our Early Intervention (EI) system is in crisis. EI providers, many of whom have advanced degrees, are choosing to leave EI and work instead in hospitals, schools, private practice or other settings with better benefits and higher pay. This provider shortage, combined with high caseloads and low compensation have led to high turnover within the field and unfilled vacancies, all of which have a substantial impact on the children and families waiting for EI services to begin.
This fall, we brought the coalition together for our virtual event, Raising Our Voices: We Need EI, and shortly after we held 9 in-person events in 10 days all across our state, from Cartersville to Hoffman Estates, finishing with a rally in Chicago. A huge shout out to our hosting partners at Advance Preschool, Autism Society, Champaign County Home Visiting Consortium, COFI, Early Childhood Forum of Central IL, Good Shepherd Center, IDTA, SAL Community Services, Southern IL Coalition for Children and Families, SPARK and United Palatine Coalition! Collectively, we were able to bring over 1,000 advocates together in-person and virtually to express their support for a $60 million increase to our state’s EI program in Fiscal Year 2026. If you missed joining us in person, you can check out the highlights and media clips from those events here!
With just a few months left before Governor Pritzker shares his budget proposal, we aren't slowing down! We're proud to share that over 40 organizations have signed onto our letter calling for a $60 million budget increase in FY26. We invite you to join us in taking action for early intervention by signing the parent-led petition, by sharing your EI story, and continuing to use our social toolkit to spread the word in your personal networks. We know this will be a difficult budget year, but together we can urge the Governor to prioritize EI in his forthcoming budget proposal. Our babies can’t wait!

Take Action For Early Intervention
Babies Can't Wait: We Need EI!
Join advocates across the state in calling for a $60 million increase in Early Intervention funding in the FY 2026 Illinois state budget